Why Is Computer Gaming So Popular?


People can do lots of things for fun, there are plenty of board games, sporting activities that individuals can play, but why is it that computer gaming is the most popular form of entertainment?

Especially for teenagers, computer gaming is their first choice when it comes to hobby and past times. Here are some lists of reason why there are lots of people are into playing these computer games:

* Challenge

Due to seeking for a great battle or challenge, teens found the best challenge not only a challenge for their body but a challenge for their minds. Computer gaming can help an individual to enhance their mental ability and to practice analyzing situations in order for them to win that specific battle game.

* Pleasure

Some individuals are playing PC games to have pleasure. A pleasure when they win a specific game and a pleasure to be recognize by other people that at some point of their life they are great on one matter and that is by playing computer games.

* Escape from reality (escapism)

Escaping from reality is one of the most popular and highly used defense mechanism of the individuals. Usually, a person who plays pc games are the one who has lots of problems deep inside them so they prefer to play this computer games in order for them to express what they really feel and for them to escape from reality.

* Keeping the relationship

Some of the gamers are usually influenced by their friends to play some online games, and due to peer pressure especially for teens they tend to follow what's the majority says. So, as time goes by they will play this specific computer games together with the people who influences them and later on they will get used in playing and will get attach to play this game with their friends. Playing computer games will be their bonding time with each other.

* Hobby or past time

Mostly people who gets addicted to gaming will make this computer gaming their hobby or past time. And as an expert of this game they will influenced other people to play this specific game also. Mostly people who treats gaming as their hobby are the one who loves to have challenge and wants to measure their ability to think and to analyze some situations in order for them to win the battle.


Source by Wilhelmina Thomas

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