Mystery and Hidden Object Games – Why Are They So Popular?


Casual gaming – playing video games for short periods of time and without much investment – has been getting a lot more popular lately. After all, most of us do not have lots of time to spend on games anymore! But which casual games are best? One popular recent arrival has been the mystery or hidden object game. A type of adventure game, these games involve finding a list of items in a complicated scene. It's part scavenger hunt, part Where's Waldo. Most of these games are timed, and you'll lose points for just clicking around hoping to find the right thing.

Most of these mystery games also include a few mini games to keep things going. They might seem simple, but they can be incredibly engrossing, as lots of people are finding out. These simple mystery games are often based on classic stories or events, and have been themed around Agatha Christie novels, the wreck of the Titanic and more. You can choose a theme that appeals to your interests.

Nearly half of the top ten casual gaming downloads are part of this mystery game genre. With compelling content, themes you'll enjoy, and a very easy mechanism to win, they're simple to play and easy to pick up and put down again. Often, they seem easy, but are not really. You can spend a surprisingly long time looking for an object that's actually right in front of you. Detailed artwork and careful design make it fun, not frustrating.

Anyone who loves relaxed game play should check out mystery and hidden object games. They're a fun, addictive choice, and a great way to relax. Plus, these games are inexpensive or free to play. Some can simply be played online, others you download for free, and some require a small fee. But paid games also usually compensate you with a high level of quality, so the five or ten dollars you pay is worth it.

If you've been looking for the perfect casual game, check out this great new genre. Mystery and hidden object games are a worthwhile choice, as many gamers have shown. If you love a good mystery, you're sure to love these games! Archives available online will help you find the one you want, and you do not need to be a computer expert to enjoy them. That's enough to get lots of us playing.

Who has time for complicated, high investment games anymore? Most of us are too busy with our regular lives to get into overly technical console or computer games. That's why casual gaming and mystery / hidden object games are in. Featuring attractive graphics, the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of solving a good mystery, they're the next big thing in casual gaming.


Source by Barbara Lunsford

Fun New Baby Shower Games For Your Party


If you are hosting a baby shower party then you will need to have baby shower games or activities prepared to entertain guests. But why limit yourself to the old measure mommy tummy game when there are so many new baby shower games out there to explore.

Does your guest list consists of a large amount of shower veterans? Then chances are they have played the traditional poopy diaper game a few times to many, and while these games are really fun to play, why not sprinkle one or two new games to keep things fresh and entertaining for them. You can come up with your own new game idea or browse around for some unique baby shower games online. A mixture of new and popular baby shower games will impress both seasoned and the not so seasoned shower guest.

Here are a couple of new baby shower games that you and guests may enjoy:

Baby Conception Game-
Everyone knows how babies are made but also know its not always easy making a baby. Let your guests race to conceive a baby and have some fun while they are at it. This game is hilarious to watch and is suitable for all types of guests, young and old.

You will need a roll of toilet paper and a plunger for each team.

The game is played by breaking up players into teams of 2. Give one team member a roll of toilet paper and the other person the plunger. Then advice them to place their item between their thighs just above their knees, with the stick of the plunger pointing in front. Have all the players with the plunger stand a good distance away from their team member with the toilet paper. On your word "go" the players with the plunger should race to the other person and try to get the plunger through the toilet paper.

If the plunger or tissue falls to the ground at any time during the game then that team is disqualified. They are also not allowed to hold onto each other at any time during the game. The first team that gets the plunger through the roll of paper, mimicking how a baby is conceived is the winner.
A game prize could be a gift certificate to a store or restaurant.

How much does your purse weigh-
If the mom-to-be prefers not to have everyone come and measure her tummy, put a bathroom scale in front of the room and have each lady come up and weigh her purse. The lady with the heaviest purse wins a prize and declare the weight of the purse as mommy's weight at her last doctors appointment. I am sure she will get a good laugh out of this.


Source by Kenesha Hodges

Eve Online Pirate Hunting Guide – How To Make ISK By Killing Rats


There are lots of ships in EVE Online, and lots of places to go. The high security systems are generally pretty safe, as there are many security patrols and gun emplacements to protect you from pirates or attacks by other players. But if you want to make money, you do not want safe. You want danger. From danger comes the possibility of pirate attacks, and it will be your job to kill those scurvy devils. Argh!


In order to hunt pirates, you must go to them. Pirates lurk in asteroid belts that can be found in virtually every solar system out there. The only place you will not find them are 1.0 security systems. The general rule is: the lower sec status a system has, the more powerful pirates inhabit its belts.

1. Go to a system with lots of asteroid belts. 2. Warp to an asteroid belt. Right-click in space for quick access to the list of celestial bodies. 3. Look for pirates. 4. If no pirates are there, warp to the next belts. 5. If pirates are there, kill them. 6. Take their loot. Salvage wrecks if you can. 7. Repeat until you run out of ammo, need repairs, or fill your cargo hold. 8. Go to a station, re-equip, drop off your loot, and go out and do it again.

Seems simple, right? It is. You can do this as much as you want, and as long as you do not get in over your head by attacking pirates that are too powerful, you will be able to make some fairly easy ISKs.

Start in a high security system and experiment with various types of pirates. Once you're confident of your ability to fight through anything the system's belts have in store, move to a lower security one. Just remember not to stray below 0.5 or you'll find yourself in an entirely different reality.


The basics of NPC hunting do not vary too much from the mock fight in the game tutorial. We'll cover the most important aspects to help you avoid the most common mistakes. You'll finish the tutorial missions with a frigate. Stick to it for the time being. All the recommended character builds listed above give you racial frigate skill at level 4. This allows you to train Destroyers or even your race's cruisers right away. The latter possibility is only worth it if your corporation has access to 0.0 space. Destroyers are perfectly capable of killing all high sec rats and their loss does not hurt you nearly as much as losing a cruiser would.

Frigate-class ships (destroyers included) can not tank damage very well. For that reason you should use long-range weapons against NPCs. That means missiles and railguns for Caldari, railguns and drones (with range skills trained) for Gallente, artillery for Minmatar pilots and beam lasers for the Amarr. Frigates and destroyers mount 'small' guns and 'standard' missile launchers (called light by some players) so make sure you fit the right type.

The final step is picking the right ammo type. Look under 'Ammunition & Charges' in the Market window.

Railguns consume Small Hybrid Charges. There are 8 different types of charges, varying between high-power short-range Antimatter to low-power long-range Iron. You can start with Lead, the type with balanced stats. You can always switch to a type more suited to your style.

For artillery, look under Small Projectile Ammo. Once again you're presented with 8 types of ammunition. EMP is the most powerful but shorter ranged type and its opposite is Carbonized Lead. Depleted Uranium is your middle of the road starter.

Beam Lasers utilize Frequency Crystals, from the shortest ranged Multifrequency, to long-range Radio. For your first fights, try the Standard. Crystals degrade over time. They are not consumed with each shot like other charges, but they need to be replaced occasionally.

Missiles also have their own unique properties. All four standard missile types have the same range potential and damage yield. They differ in the type of damage dealt to targets. Check Appendix A for more information on NPC types and the most effective damage to use against them.

Once you come across a target (one of those red crosses), select it and lock on. If they are too far out of range, select the target, approach it, and once you are in range, lock on. Select the target again and choose 'orbit'. Select one of the ranges in the list (15km is usually safe) and then wait until the target is in range of your weapons before you fire. You can also determine the optimal range of your guns by right-clicking them while in space, choosing 'info' and finding the 'Optimal' value. You do not need to be at the exact given range as it's actually 'maximum optimal'. Above it you'll hit for less (if you can hit your target at all) but below that distance your guns will work best.

After you have opened fire, select any other targets and lock onto them. Once your current target is destroyed, wait until your weapons have stopped firing (you will know they have stopped firing when the weapon icon is not lit in green), and fire your weapons at the new target. Repeat this for as many enemies are present until they are destroyed.

Taking Damage

You are bound to take hits, and there are several ways to cope with that. Caldari ships should focus on maintaining their shields. Fit a Shield Booster module to redirect capacitor energy into shield recharge. Missile launchers work best coupled with shield boosters because they do not need energy to fire. Amarr and Gallente can tank much more effectively using their armor. That means they need at least one Small Armor Repairer in their low fitting slot. Minmatar frigates are fast and agile. They should use an afterburner to maintain high speed making themselves difficult to hit. This method is called speed-tanking and works with all races' ships to some extent. Minmatar pilots can also employ armor repairers. Just keep the golden rule of tanking in mind: never, EVER mix armor and shield tank together.


You do not want to warp to a new asteroid belt, stumble upon 5 enemy frigates, and find that all your guns are down to 3 charges. Also, reloading takes 10 seconds regardless of your skills and weapon type. That's ten seconds of taking damage without the ability to shoot back so make sure it does not happen in combat. Get into the habit of reloading all your weapons once you complete a fight and are collecting the loot. Also, keep an eye on the ammo supply in your cargo hold. If you are getting low, go back to the station and resupply.


Some pirates carry ECM equipment that will prevent you from locking onto them for about 20 seconds. If you do not have the shields to stand up to 20 seconds of attacks, you will probably want to upgrade to a better ship (usually not necessary unless you do not have at least a destroyer) or just warp away and come back. Unfortunately and contrary to the popular belief, NPC jammers, unlike player-operated ECM, can not be countered by ECCM modules.


In Empire space you'll be jumping between systems in search of targets to kill. In 0.0, especially in a relatively safe system, it's better to chain pirate spawns. You need to be able to kill battleship rats so this technique is not suited for beginners. In a spawn where battleships are mixed with other NPCs, only kill the battleships. Wipe out any non-battleship groups. After an hour, you should be getting valuable battleships in every asteroid belt thanks to the game mechanics that generate each NPC group randomly but replace ship losses once a group is in game.

Ratting can be a lucrative career if done correctly. Knowing your enemy, knowing their powers and limitations (as well as your own) and planning beforehand are the keys to making the most of your time spent ratting. With a little thought and some basic preparations, you can start making significant ISK.


Source by Alistair McMaster

How To Make Easy Money Betting on Soccer and Other Sports Online


There is no limit to how much money you can make in online Sports Betting. Just how successful you become will depend entirely on your own little efforts.

OK! You may be one those people who loses lots of money regularly on sports betting. I've been there many times and from my experience it hurts so much to lose money. After many trials and errors, I stumbled upon the Key to successful betting. Am about to reveal to you this lucrative online business as the easiest and cheapest investment ever on the internet.

Sports Betting

For those just starting out. Sports betting is all about betting against bookmakers. It is quite different from betting against other people the way most people do. It is also different from pools betting. Bookmakers are betting companies that provide the platform for betting activities. They also provide the prices and expected winnings on each football match.

All you need to do is to determine the outcome of a particular match or a series of matches. You do not need to predict the exact score line. Though there are bets where you can predict the exact score line. The price per match will be determined by how hard or difficult it is. The easier the match, the lesser the potential returns. The harder the match, the higher the potential returns.

Let use soccer (football) for illustration:

Assuming TEAM-A on top of the league table wants to play TEAM-B who are at the bottom and out of form at home, we all know there is a very high likelihood that TEAM-A would win if in good form plus all the advantages to their side. The money you are expected to win if you bet TEAM-A will beat TEAM-B will be very small in fact.

On the other hand, if you say TEAM-B will beat TEAM-A, then the expected monetary returns would be high. It will be high as well if you say it will end in a draw.

Okay. Let's move on.

Predicting that TEAM-B, the under-dog will beat TEAM-A, the odds could be 4/1. That means that if you bet with $ 1 you will win $ 4 plus your $ initial 1 which makes your total earnings $ 5. I've used US dollars above as an example. Most bookies operate in Pound Sterling, dollars and Euro. So if you want to bet on it, what would you do? Start analyzing and seeing possibilities.TEAM-A to win at 2/7 simply means to win $ 2 you have to play with $ 7. You need to ask yourself is it worth risking $ 7 to $ 2 win? Or will you back the weaker TEAM-B to win at 4/1? You only need to put in $ 1 to win an extra $ 4. But will TEAM-B beat the stronger TEAM-A at home? The greater the risk the greater the potential returns, the lesser the risk the lesser the potential returns. That is where your football mind and knowledge is needed.

Let's Understand Prices / Odds more using real soccer teams for example.

Take a look at this match in the fixture and price. Lets say Chelsea FC to beat Manchester City at home is priced at 2/5. That is you bet with $ 5 to $ 2 win. That is a total expected returns of $ 7.

(Always remember that the figure at the end is what you stake with and the one in front is what you will win)

The match is 11/4 for a draw and 6/1 for an away win for Manchester City. It means 1/1. You play with $ 1; you win an additional $ 1. You play with $ 100 you win an additional $ 100.

Other Kinds of Odds …

Not all odds are written in fractions. As in not written like 3/1, 1/5, 4/9 and so on. Some odds are written in decimals like 1.35, 2.42 etc. If you see 2.42, it simply means if you bet with one dollar, you will earn return of 2.42 dollars. Whatever figure is shown, it means that it is what will be returned if you place $ 1. So you can calculate your expected earnings according to what you want to bet on.

There are also the American Odds presented in form -110, + 220, etc. The Decimal odds seem to be by far the easiest to calculate. The bookies (bookmakers) can determine what kind of odds they will be using. Actually some bookmakers allow you to choose the odd type that suits you. Whatever Odd you use the result is the Same. However, chose only Odd type you are comfortable with.

Bet Types

There are many types of bet provided by Sport books to suit your needs. The basic bet types are the 1X2 (three outcomes, Home Draw Away), the 12 (only two outcomes, Win or lose), the 1X, 2X (Win or Draw), Not Draw. Other extended betting types are Number of goals, Half / Full Time result, Odd / Even number of goals, Asian Handicap, Live or in-play betting option, exact score line, etc. While sports like boxing, tennis, etc have fewer basic betting options, soccer has the most betting option.

It's very easy alright making unlimited cash betting on sports online. Now you are thinking: if it were so easy how come people lose money at all? Answer! Is most of the time you do guess-work; try-your-luck, inadequate or no information, etc.

But that's no good business or investment doing guess-work. You know what it is? It's called gambling. An investment mind-set is a vital ingredient to make money in Sports betting backed by good knowledge.To be successful punter making tons of dollars on sports betting you need reliable, tested and proven information, systems and strategies to guarantee profits and high returns.

Why you need reliable information.

Ever seen even the strongest teams on top of a league lose to under-dogs at the bottom of league table? Causing bettors to lose lots of money? Why for instance should a team like? Manchester United lose to black even when they have over 90% chance of winning? It hurts a lot lose this kind of bet.Yeah it happens. 99% of all soccer punters (bettors) THINK they know who will win the game and which team will go over or under the total and end losing almost all their bets and a lot of money, which leaves 1%. Those 1% are professionals that make a living betting on soccer and other sports.

Post why? It's because there some secrets in Sports betting that can only be unlocked with the right kind of information that gives knowledge. This is not knowledge of how the games is played but knowledge of how to make money betting on games played.

Knowledge is power in a general sense is but in sports betting the knowledge is money.

Yes, you need a system that works most times to become an investor making lot of money on sports betting. Sports betting should be seen as an investment, that way you make money most of the time. Though fun in sports betting can not be left out for those who have passion for the games, the passion can be converted into lots of cash using proven betting systems and strategy. Football (soccer) has most systems and strategies because it offers more betting options than any other sports.

How to Make the Money.

One way, is to do it yourself by applying proven systems and strategies. Another is to get others to work for you through professional Tips service. However there are free and paid professional Tips service to give you betting clues and predictions.

The SECRET of this lucrative online business is information. With the right information you are sure to become super RICH from this easiest and cheapest investment online anyone from 18 years old can make. That is the legal age for gambling in most countries that regulate top Rated Sport books or Bookmakers. Some reputable sports books require IDs to confirm the age compliance among other things.


Contact Send an :


Source by Felix U Offiong

Download Wii Games Straight to Your Console


Many of Wii owners are more than a little disappointed with the current crop of games. There are some absolute gems, Mario Galaxy and Zelda to name a couple, but it seems for every good game there are at least ten of absolute rubbish. As a Wii owner myself, I feel your pain, but luckily there is a solution.

With the advent of downloadable games online for the PC, it was only a matter of time before consoles caught on. All three major home consoles have a system for it now, the Wii's being the virtual console. However the virtual console games are limited at the moment to re-releases of older games, so for gamers looking for new games to play it is of little use in its current form. It also has no option to download movies, TV or other media which many Wii owners would be interested in.

There is hope though! Recently online companies have started selling downloadable content for a small fee. This includes games, TV shows, films and more. For a Wii owner looking to expand their game collection, this is the perfect solution. For a one off fee you can get games straight to your Wii without ever having to leave your house. These systems surpass Nintendo's built in virtual console by a long way. The VC has a lot to catch up on if it wants to rival the ever growing popularity of these websites which allow Wii owners to download games much more easily, and more importantly more cheaply than ever before.


Source by Darren Care

BSG Online Game Tips – The Advantages of Debt and Equity


When playing the Business Strategy Game (BSG), none of the companies have much money in year 11. Companies need to raise funds using either debt or equity. By financing your company via debt, you accept risk of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy occurs if you default upon your loan for 3 consecutive years. Defaulting upon your loan also causes your credit rating and stock price to drop. Equity is the alternative to debt in raising capital through the sale of common shares. The loss of shares decreases your Return on Equity ratio (ROE) and Earnings Per Share ratio (EPS). The advantage of selling equity is that there's no risk of bankruptcy.

I have learned an intriguing strategy from 2 successful Industry Champions. The strategy is to build a financially strong company and sell shares when the stock price is high. Then after purposefully executing a bad fiscal year, buy back the shares when the stock price has sunk. This allows your company to gain huge amounts of capital using a "build and sink" strategy for your company on a manipulated stock price. This is terribly risky and rather unethical, but also innovative and it catches most companies off guard. The concept of people buying shares low and selling shares high is worth noting when raising funds via equity.

Raising capital through debt is the traditional way of raising money which completely exposes your company to bankruptcy. However, debt financing can be cheaper than equity financing with an extremely profitable company because money can be repaid at a fixed annual rate while buying back shares can become expensive with a rising share price. The great disadvantage that debt has is that it can weaken the profit margins annually through interest expense – a feature that equity does not have.

Both debt and equity have their advantages and disadvantages when raising capital. Finding the right debt to equity ratio will help your company finance it's growth and profitability to win the Business Strategy Game.


Source by Bryan Lance Lee

Online Gambling – Its Advantages and Disadvantages


Online gambling has become a popular game now. The history of online gambling is not very old. This game has both a good and a bad side. In certain cases playing online gambling is better than playing at live casinos and in some ways it is not. We can understand this better if we look at the various pros and cons of online gambling.

Let us first see the pros. The market of online casino and gambling is a highly competitive one. Some of the sites offer big bonuses that helps in attracting the players and they can make money. Besides, a number of sites offer various types of promotions and rewards for keeping their players.

As compared to live casinos, the online casino games have better odds and more forgiving rules as they do not posses the same overhead costs as is found in case of real casinos. The greatest advantage is that you can play it directly from your home if you have an internet access there. You do not need to travel for playing the game online.

Playing online casino games also keeps you away from the huge crowd that is found at live casino parlors. You can play at your own convenience at anytime of the day you feel like. There is no one to distract you while you are on with a game. Besides, you also do not require giving tip to the staff. Thus it helps in saving your pocket.

These were so far the positive sides of playing online gambling. Let us now take a look at its negative sides. The withdrawals associated with the game can take a longer time to come. This is not the case with live casinos. However, the money in online gambling gets transferred directly to the bank account.

Another major problem with online gambling and casino is that you do not get customer service instantly, which is true for live casinos. The online casino sites generally have telephonic support or live chat team for the players. However, the service is not that fast.

If you want to try out a variety of games at different online casino gaming sites, then you need to deposit money at each of them rather than carrying the cash around that is possible at live casinos. It depends upon you whether you find it comfortable to play at a live casino parlor or an online casino.


Source by Saoli Chaudhuri

Where to Download Free PC Games


If you love to play video games, there are so many free PC game download you can find on the internet. There are web sites with literally thousands of games that are free to download to your PC. Some sites crank out over 10 million gaming downloads in a single month.

Users to these sites can upload their own files. You can try out the latest games, usually before they are even in the stores. You will have patches to keep your games new and fresh. This is especially important if you are playing your games online.

Many sites will partner with developers and publishers of games so that beta tests can be run of new games. This is especially true with multiplayer titles and MMOGs. You can browse for a web site you like, see what they have, and if you like it you can sign up and start your free PC game download right away.

Many sites offer free membership, but if you use the public servers you will have to fight to get what you want particularly when a high profile new release is coming out. The problem with public servers is that they fill up quickly and sometimes crash during peak hours. The usual procedure was to sit there and click the link, hoping to squeeze into a spot as soon as one opened.

When you subscribe to a site, you will be able to access spots quicker and there is usually no waiting. But you do not have to pay a penny if you do not want to. You can feel free to browse all the gaming sites that are out there and pick and choose the free PC game download that you can not wait to play.

When you visit free PC game download sites, you are faced with hundreds of titles from all types of games. You can find games for children, puzzle games, or role playing games. The choice is up to you. You need not pay another dime ever again for a game you want to play. All you have to do is have some determination and patience and you are sure to find a website where you can download free PC games for free.


Source by Rick Tames

Download Free Game For PSP Instantly


PSP has been so popular today, it is probably the most popular game console in the world right now. You can download free game for PSP online. With the technology of internet, free PSP games download is easy to find, but it does not necessarily mean good.

If you are about to download free PSP games, you will come across several options:

Download Free Game for PSP – option 1

You can use the incredible search engine and type in "download free game for PSP" to find the game you are looking for.
It should show you a lot of relevant results. You will see a lot of websites appear before you that are offering you to get free games for your portable Sony console.

However, this is not the best choice that Portable Play-station fanatics will risk, not only because the download speed is slow but as well as viruses and spyware threat that can potentially damage your computer and console.

Download Free Game for PSP – option 2

You can get the free games download on certain website that requires you to pay $ 5 or less for lifetime access. These kind of website is a website of software or content exchange, which is illegal.
They do not guarantee that their files are safe and undamaged and you will also download at a very low speed.

Many people have tried and they only found very less games that are available for your console. This is again not an option for us or you in particular.

Download Free Game for PSP – option 3

You do not need to lose hope because the best is coming at last.
PSP download website is the best solution for Portable Play-station owners, why?
Because it serves only us, the Portable Play-station owners, all contents like games, movies, music, wallpapers, emulators and software are only for Portable Play-station.
The interesting thing is that we can get a live support to help us when we are having trouble downgrading, upgrading, or anything that involved our console.

And the price is a one time fee of $ 40 for life time access, this is the reason why a lot of Portable Play-station owners claim this is where they can download free games for their Portable Play-station console.

You would like the if to save money, fast download, save time searching for the . Games, legal – , and safe, visit Download a Free Game For PSP to . Read about the most popular PSP download website.


Source by Leonard Jones

How to Win at Online Casino Roulette – The Flaw of the Random Number Generator


The game of Roulette is very popular in casinos worldwide and as a popular game has one of the lowest winning percentages for the player. However it is possible to win at Roulette with proper strategy. In fact, with the advent of online gambling casinos that feature the game of Roulette it is now even possible to WIN money from them. In this article I will describe the ultimate strategy for beating online Roulette games.

To understand how the player has more advantage in an online Roulette game than a Roulette game at a real casino one must understand random number generators. Since there is no actual, physical roulette wheel picking the numbers for an online casinos, these online casinos must create an artificial randomness only possible through a random number generator.

For most argument's sake, random number generators do just what their name implies – they pick seemingly "random" numbers. However, the computer program has very real limitations in that it is not completely random. The computer program, in attempting to be truly random can become predictable. For example, at a real Roulette table at a physical casino, the chance of hitting a RED number is equally as likely as hitting a BLACK number even if the last 20 rolls have been RED numbers. There is no memory in real life randomness, however …

With online casinos and random number generators there is a memory and so in the example above, after 20 RED numbers having hit, there actually would be a greater probability or liklihood of hitting a BLACK number, unlike in a real casino. This is a serious flaw, and in truth casinos do not want people to know this although there is nothing illegal about exploiting this flaw.

Using this flaw and some simple strategy it is possible to quickly and consistently win money from online casinos playing Roulette. There are many different strategies, but the ones I would recommend are playing the colors, playing odd / even or playing 1st, 2nd or 3rd set of 12 numbers.

Let's say you decide to play 1st, 2nd or 3rd set of 12 numbers. Watch the record board (this is the board that shows the history of what numbers were hit as well as the color). You want to pick a set of 12 numbers (1st, 2nd or 3rd set) that have not been hit in the last 7 or 8 rolls. Obviously the longer the set has gone without a hit the better because the liklihood of it being hit increases, but this will depend on your patience and bankroll. With smaller bankrolls, you will have to be more patient at first and go for a sure thing, maybe waiting for 8-10 rolls without a hit on a set to pick that set.

This strategy is the best way I've found to beat the Roulette table (online anyways) and I believe can be used to win players money consistently so long as they have patience and do not play a set too soon. Note, it's also possible to play the colors or odd / even and you would use the same strategy. The only difference is the payout is 2-1 instead of 3-1 that comes with the sets.

One final note, be careful when choosing online casinos as many are fraudulent and run from countries where they are not regulated. Go to [] to check out which sites I've been using. They are a good starting point because they give you free money to start out with.

I wish you the best of luck and always remember gambling is a game and should always be fun:)


Source by Donald C Drake